Public health worker alleges discrimination, corruption

YAOUNDE, Cameroon (CNA) — A public health specialist accused the Ministry of Public Health (MINSANTE) of discrimination and corruption, alleging that he has been unfairly demoted and denied promotions despite his qualifications.

The man with over 12 years of experience, says he has been repeatedly recommended for higher positions by high-ranking officials but has been consistently overlooked. He claims that MINSANTE officials have demanded bribes for consideration for promotions.

“This is not an isolated incident,” he said in a statement. “Many other public health professionals, particularly those from the Anglophone region, have faced similar injustices.”

The man alleges that she has been subjected to harassment and intimidation by MINSANTE officials, including being asked to pay bribes for consideration for promotions. He also claims that his documents have been deliberately delayed or lost, preventing him from applying for positions.

The allegations come amid growing concerns about corruption and nepotism within the Cameroonian government. A recent report by a human rights organization found that corruption is widespread in the country’s public sector.

The MINSANTE did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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This article was written and published by Cameroon News Agency

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